Why Success Starts With A Proper Team?

One important factor in success is support and our inner circle.


  • We can achieve our financial objectives with guidance.

  • Positive people can encourage us from pursuing our goals.

  • Our network of support will assist us in achieving our financial objectives.

Bonus: At the end of today’s article we will cover the four business personalities and seven intelligences.

On our journey to financial independence, we may have read a lot of articles on the masterinvestor’s website. Among these are the significance of selecting the appropriate consultants and comprehending our personal financial statement. Even more crucial than those, though, is creating a support system to help us achieve our financial objectives.

No man is an island, entire of itself. We cannot do it all by ourselves to get from where we are financially right now to achieving our financial dream. It isn't feasible.

Our personal support group is our dependable, go-to source for moral, mental, and emotional assistance, in contrast to our group of wise counselors. This is a group of people we can rely on, particularly in difficult circumstances. They pay attention, support us in achieving our objectives, and—above all—give us candid criticism, even when we don't want to hear it!

Admit it. Many justifications can be made by people, particularly when money is involved. Imagine, however, stating these justifications aloud to a group of close friends that we respect and trust. They will give us the support we need to change any pessimistic thoughts because they want us to succeed. We are likely to give up without this continuous support group.

Feeling less lonely, isolated or judged, gaining a sense of empowerment and control, improving our coping skills and sense of adjustment, and reducing distress, depression or anxiety as potential advantages of joining a support group. Who couldn't benefit from such a constructive influence?

We have suggested that people excelled in different areas of intelligence. Individuals typically possessed both several intelligences in which they excelled and multiple intelligences in which they lacked proficiency.

Business and investing both are team sports. We must get into or build the best possible team for the mission of each business and investment. Investing is having a winning business plan with lucrative exit strategy. We measure our return on investment with facts, and not opinions like majority of uneducated investors do.

We must be above average in order to have extraordinary results.

Is our network truly assisting us in achieving our financial objectives?

Our motivation, our attitude, and ultimately whether or not we reach our financial objectives can all be greatly influenced by the individuals we spend time with and surround ourselves with.

Create a "lifts me up" list by asking ourselves these questions:

Who can we confide in about our ideas, feelings, and thoughts and know that they will encourage us rather than condemn or criticize us?

When we succeed, does anyone actually get excited?

When we fail, who is sympathetic to us and doesn't say "I told you so" even if they did?

Who is our steadfast support system?

The most important factor to consider while aiming for any degree of success and happiness in life is this:

Be in the company of encouraging individuals.

Put another way, cut out the bad people from our life. Supportive individuals inspire us to pursue our aspirations. They provide us advice and encouragement, explain why we will succeed, and want us to succeed.

We get pulled down by negativity and uplifted by positivity.

Our environment is key for our success in life, we must always strive to be where are heats are because that is where our treasures are found. We must follow our intuition and heart when making decision about who we socialize and engage with on a daily basis. This may seem insignificant but it matters so much in the outcome of our lives. We must pay attention to those who we allow in our inner circle. We should always choose people that are OQP (only quality people). People that are align with our visions, intentions and being a positive energy around us.

People who are negative will give us all the reasons why we are incapable of doing something. "It'll never work," "Don't be ridiculous," and "What makes us think we could pull that off?" are some of the things they'll say. or "Avoid taking a chance." We could lose, etc.

Giving negative people the axe is less expensive than retaining them in your life, despite the fact that it may seem challenging. Creativity is stifled by negative individuals. Our dreams are crushed by them. They continue to make us doubt ourselves.

They waste our time and sap our vitality. People who are negative keep us small.

Negativity drags us down when we ought to be flying high!

Locating and becoming a suitable partner

We can't make a good deal with a bad partner. In such sentence, there are two points.

If our partner is unsupportive, negative, or pursuing their own agenda, a good deal—whether it be personal, commercial, or investment—will turn into a bad one.

We must be a good partner in order to draw a good one. Therefore, look beyond those in your immediate vicinity. We should also examine ourselves and ask ourselves, "What type of partner am I?

Creating a support network

Our personal preferences will determine how our support group is constructed. We must determine the ideal group size and composition for our circumstances.

Approach our spouse or significant other to begin our group. This individual is typically our biggest ally. If not, don't let the fact that your spouse is more of a liability than an asset stop us. Simply put, don't engage him or her in our support system at first. When they see the income flow, they might change their mind.

Next, consider gathering two or four other individuals who are starting comparable adventures. When aspirational individuals support one another in pursuing their goals, powerful things occur.

And it turns into an invaluable partnership if we both study and gain knowledge from our experiences. There is no other way to gain the financial education we receive.

A coach or mentor is another essential component of our support system. A mentor is someone who understands our predicament since they have been there before. A coach is a person who uses structured training to help us achieve a particular goal. Effective mentors and coaches have a wealth of knowledge and accomplishments in the fields we are attempting to explore. They ought to be respected individuals who offer advice, expertise, and support when we need it.

Which side of the cash flow circle do we operate from?

On the left side of the cash flow circle we find those who work for earned income. On the right side of the cash flow circle we find those working for passive income and capital gains income. Choose the side of the cash flow circle where we want to live our lives. We highly recommend the right side of the cash flow circle because it is where we create a financial freedom.

Start spending money like the wealthy do

As we study wealthy individuals across the world, we can understand that becoming wealthy is about mastering how to raise capital and making money work hard in extraordinary investments that are providing a solution in high demand to the marketplace. We have to become masters at studying and understanding others’ personalities because business is all about people, solutions, and systems.

Having customer service be a priority will help us stay ahead form the competition. Today more than ever having the right support system not only for ourselves but for our customers will make all the difference in our success.

Customers want to ensure they can have their issues solve in case of one arising at any point while doing business with our companies. Another important point is that we must master how to spend money like the wealthy do.We must focus on spending money in assets that create passive income today. Then, that passive income must be move to another cash flowing asset as soon as it we have it in our possession. We have to have a plan for the money to work and multiple in a sound operation.

Knowing how to operate like the wealthy is critical for our success. It is all about studying the patters and using them in our lives. We have to actively invest and develop our people could be the best thing we do for our wealth.

Creating environments where others can grow and express themselves through actionable steps that helps our customers grow in their lives.

When it's acceptable to leave

Get rid of toxic, negative people from our life, whether it be at work or in our personal life.

Even though it's rarely simple, we will just wish we had done it sooner now that we know these people no longer have any power over us.

It's difficult enough to push ourselves and pursue our financial objectives without having to deal with burdensome, limiting baggage. When those around us support us, our success will be much greater, simpler, and more enjoyable.

It takes structure to reach our financial objectives.

Over time, we can discover that our support system evolves. The people we rely on to support, mentor, and educate we will vary along with our goals and circumstances.

Establish our support system immediately, regardless of where we are, our aspirations for financial independence, or our desire to escape the rat race. Be in the company of people who are trustworthy, knowledgeable, experienced, and supportive. We are setting ourselves up for failure if we don't have a support system.

On your path to financial independence, we deserve to succeed instead!

Who will we invite to join our support network today?

Bonus: What are the four business personalities?

Do we know which of the four business personality types we are?

Knowing our business personality type can help us succeed.

To genuinely succeed, surround oneself with the appropriate business personality types.

The four personality kinds that exist in the business world are as follows:

  1. "I must be correct" people;

  2. Those who believe that they must be at comfortable or at ease;

  3. "I must be liked" people; and lastly,

  4. The "I have to win" people.

Developing a "I must win" mentality

Individuals who develop a "I must win" mentality and then pursue business eventually become significant societal change agents.

The power and influence of industry titans in these professions is still unmatched, even though many people have deviated from the antiquated models in corporate industries to succeed, frequently through smaller, boutique enterprises. To ensure that everyone has an equal chance of success, these organizations also urgently need to adapt. That might happen as a result of outside pressure from those who have departed to launch their own businesses and share their own experiences.

We made the decision long ago that it would be better to launch our own company rather than attempting to do so within the framework of somebody else. This is one of the reasons they seldom collaborate with the education sector, despite developing teaching materials for personal finance. Instead than fighting every flaw in something that has already been created, time would be better spent creating a world they want to be a part of and being solution-focused.

There are seven intelligence we shall all invest into developing, because those who master the control over the 7 different intelligences and have the personality of “we must win” type of people, then we will succeed in business and investing without doubt.

The are seven intelligences and knowing them will help us develop a more dynamic team for our businesses and investments:

  1. Verbal-linguistic: Verbal-linguistically intelligent people are typically proficient in reading, writing, and word and date memorization.

  2. Logical-mathematical: Math is a strong suit for those with this intelligence. They feel at ease with logic, abstractions, numbers, and numerical issues.

  3. Body-kinesthetic: These pupils frequently possess physical talents. They usually learn best by doing and moving about.

  4. Spatial: This intelligence excels at puzzle solving, design, art, and visualization. Generally speaking, these individuals are regarded as right-brain dominant.

  5. Musical: Pitch, melody, timbre, rhythm, and music all have an impact on this intellect. This individual frequently performs well on musical instruments and sings.

  6. Interpersonal: These people can communicate. They are typically outgoing, well-liked, and sensitive to the emotions, motivations, temperaments, and moods of others.

  7. Intrapersonal: Emotional intelligence is another name for this intelligence. Introspection and self-reflection are topics covered by this intellect.

Creating multi-intellectual networks

Knowing our skills and weaknesses in terms of intelligence is vital, but it's even more crucial to use other people's strengths to make up for our shortcomings. Creating a network of multiple intelligences is the term for this.

The one success-oriented intelligence that everyone needs

Outsourcing to people who possess certain intelligences is far preferable to attempting to build them ourselves.

That being said, if one wants to succeed, one of masterinvestor’s forms of intelligence must be developed. Intrapersonal intelligence is that one intelligence we need to develop to become wealthy.

Emotional intelligence and street smarts

Having high intrapersonal intelligence, also known as emotional intelligence, which is far more significant in life than academic intelligence, is one of the reasons someone with street smart can succeed even if they lack book smart.

A combination of street smarts and emotional intelligence

One of the reasons someone with street smarts can achieve even if they lack book smarts is because they possess strong intrapersonal intelligence, commonly referred to as emotional intelligence, which is significantly more important in life than academic knowledge.

Similarly, even if they lack great intellectual intelligence, the most successful individuals in terms of money have strong emotional intelligence. Even though they lack good book smarts, they have tremendous street smarts. To put it briefly, they are able to use their emotional intelligence to overcome fear and take the risks required to improve their financial intelligence and become wealthy.

Not emotionless, but emotional

Being emotionally intelligent does not imply being emotionless. Knowing that anger is OK as long as it is not out of control is a sign of emotional intelligence. We are aware that while feeling offended is OK, acting foolishly out of retaliation is not.

How emotional intelligence can help us avoid being held back by disappointment

People who are reluctant to try anything new are frequently fearful of being let down. They fear that they will be rejected or make a mistake.

But the truth is that we have to be willing to try new things if we want to succeed in life rather than merely get by. And be ready to be let down if we do that.

In certain situations, society has reinforced the notion that you must only use your book smarts to succeed in life, even if it means giving up your street smarts (or, in this case, intrapersonal intelligence). The most successful people, however, all possess strong street smarts, either in addition to or instead of their book smarts.

This explains why many successful individuals, like Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates, left college early but went on to achieve success in their lives. It also explains why many graduates of elite universities wind up in middle management positions with no opportunity for advancement. Furthermore, they keep learning and use their setbacks as a springboard for future growth rather than letting them setbacks stop us.

Celebrate our accomplishment

Be encouraged if we are reading this and we think we need to quit our job in order to pursue our goals! It's an ambitious, admirable, and thrilling undertaking! A common misconception about success propagated by our culture is that we need a title and a salary to be recognized.

Investing is plan and it requires a team in order to succeed in it.

Start investing in high quality financial education, by reading our financial eBooks:

10 New Rule of Money

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