Why a sound business is made of systems?

Financial Education Made Simple

The purpose of a business is to solve problems in the world on autopilot 

Find a need in the marketplace, and fill it with a sound business that will deliver a solution for the problem being address. Why a sound business is made of systems? Because systems is what makes the business fulfill the mission. A business without systems, it is all hard work forever (for the entrepreneurs) and basically a job instead of a business. The more we serve and solve the masses problems, the more wealth we achieve. Becoming wealthy is all about becoming more generous. Thinking of others’ problems, then facilitating a solution with systems is how we become wealthier.

Work smarter, not harder

It is anticipated that by January 2023, the typical American will put in roughly 2012.4 hours each year. 66% of Americans do at least some of their job from home.

In July 2022, statistics showed that 72% of Americans had only spent a portion of their paid vacation days. While 56% of Americans claimed to be already burnt out, 65% of Americans agreed that they urgently needed a vacation.

Yet in June 2022, the US inflation rate peaked at a record high of 9.1%, while wage growth was only about 4.5%. The higher our financial IQ is, then we get wealthy with inflation. We can say that inflation is bad for the poor mindset and extraordinary for the wealthy mindset.

IIt is obvious that working more does not equate to earning more or having more money. Also, working harder does not mean more freedom in one's live. In other words, working more and harder doesn’t mean making more (or being financially free).

Why a sound business is made of systems?

Why working harder is a poor mindset?

The fact that many of the people our culture considers to be "successful" preach about putting in long hours could be one explanation for this.

These people models still that of a poor mindset. Why? Because they continue to equate success with the number of hours put in, rather than the amount of work they can do in that time.

Ultimately, in return the business will give us more wealth (positive passive income). We control our time and at the same time we are becoming more financially free because our wealth grows. 

We strive to use leverage, systems and passive income to do less, increase our wealth and be more valuable. Keep in mind when building a business of any kind, how fast can we remove ourselves from the picture and still be able to collect the passive income?

A business is suppose to work hard for us to solve a problem for others. Ultimately, in return the business will give us more wealth so that we have more options available to us. We control our time and at the same time we are becoming more financially free because our wealth grows.

Deception of time

Who has the time to work 80+ hours a week (minimum) on top of their already stressful lives to become an entrepreneur? In reality, individuals like the ones mentioned above are the reason why so many people are hesitant to become entrepreneurs. Unfortunately, when it comes to their perspective on time, the wealthy and poor frequently diverge in this way.

People who are already feeling stressed out and unable to imagine adding anything else to their plate all too frequently respond automatically with the justification that they don't have time.

The real meaning of the phrase "I don't have the time" is "What I currently have on my plate is more important than any additional activity that would require of me." In the end, it comes down to this:

Making time is more important than "having time," which is what it is.

How to work smarter by optimizing our hours to make time (and more cash-flow)

How do we optimize our hourly output? Working hard at a job is not a requirement to pay bills. The bills and expenses of any kind will receive money from our business or investments. That is how wealthy people think. The question should be, "How much can I get out of my daily hours so that I can do more with less time in order to be wealthy," rather than "how many hours a week do I need to work to be wealthy."

We focus on acquiring assets with systems because they provide us with leverage and freedom. We can delegate task of the operation to systems so that we do less and achieve greater wealth.

Remember the three characteristics of a master investor: education (financial), excess of positive cash flow, and experience. 

Business productivity advice

Here is where we should begin: Learn what we are truly worth.

There is a better approach to determine our value than by how hard we work and how many hours we spend in each week, in the spirit of "chasing our mindset." The people who measure their success in terms of how many assets they can develop or invest in that free up their time are the ones who are the most physically, financially, and spiritually prosperous.

If we are doing it right, don't we think our investments or business should be paying us each month even if we aren't working? What exactly is the difference if we have to work just as hard as an employee to maintain our income flowing in? 

We must acquire a sound businesses (investments, assets) to have total freedom. Most people without financial education, end up investing in busy-ness (they purchase a job) instead of a business that works for them. 

A business owns us when lacks systems. Put the ego to the side when building our business. Some people believe they are the only ones responsible for the success of their business. Additionally, if our business depends on us to be successful at solving the problem, then our systems weren't sound to begin with or we are lacking systems. The fear that everything will go wrong if we don't always be in control is what fuels ego the most.

This is not to imply that we won't have to put in a lot of time, particularly in the beginning and frequently throughout crucial development periods of growth of our businesses, but the ultimate goal should be to create teams, processes, and systems that help us get out of that as quickly and effectively as possible. As a wealthy entrepreneur and inside investor we strive for total freedom achieve through solving problems in the world with lucrative businesses inasmuch charity organizations. 

Being able to devote time to the people we love and the causes us care about will reveal our genuine worth. When we put in 80 hours a week at work, we can't do that. The sign of a wealthy business owner and inside investor is the ability to work less and still be more valuable.

So, during our downtime, think about how we determine our value. Is it the result of too much work? Or is it a result of learning how to make our assets work in our favor? 

Although many people are happy to bury their heads in the sand, doing so will never lead to financial freedom.

We may lay the groundwork for working smarter, not harder by tackling our fears about how much we think we need to work, what it means to us, and the reasons why.

Having a business, it is all about solving a problem with a solution through systems in place and in return we receive passive income. Our wealth increases by controlling businesses that produce passive income. When our wealth increases, we have more freedom with our time. 

The question is, do we want total freedom? If the answer is yes, then it is time to begin building wealth. Positive passive income is the essence of working smart rather than hard in order to thrive above our means in live.

Therefore, a sound business is made of systems. That is why is important to be comfortable using systems that are already available to us to automate our operations to create passive income. Then, we can make time more available to us. 

Freedom is truly priceless for the wealthy mindset. Being in control of our time and what we do with it is something that is fulfilling reward for an entrepreneur and inside investor. We must continue building our asset column and investing in financial eduction.

I am reading: Why a sound business is made of systems?

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