What is the key of being wealthy?

Make the choice to become wealthy, life is a game of choices

We all long for the freedom to choose. The problem with having unlimited options is the that we have to have excess of cash flow to be able to make the options a reality in our lives.

That is why money is important subject to study and master. It is a game that we will be playing for the rest of lives, which means that we money will be need it in order to live and thrive.

This is why throughout history people have fought for, and given their lives to, the cause of freedom. This is why families will leave everything to emigrate from an oppressive country to a free one. This is why we celebrate great men like Martin Luther King, Jr. and Gandhi.

If you live in the United States, then you know that the American Dream is more vivid then ever due to technology grow around the world. In fact today, we can see a world without borders and a global economy due to the internet.

We live in the best times of history, where getting wealthy is an option for everyone around the world more than anytime before in history.

But like most freedoms, choice can be a double-edged sword.

When we’re free to choose, we can make both good decisions and bad ones. Often, what separates the rich from the poor is the choices that they make.

Financially, we have the power to choose our future: to be rich, poor, or middle class. Our spending habits reflect who we are and what we value. Poor people have poor spending habits. Wealthy people have wealthy spending habits. Poor people choose to be poor. Wealthy people choose to be wealthy. It may sound harsh, but in my experience, it’s overwhelmingly true.

If you want to be wealthy, it’s important that you understand the power of choice and know how to make good financial choices. Life is game, where we can either make good choices or bad choices.

I find that daily reading and applying the knowledge into once life, it is a an advantage to do better in life overall. A question we should all ask ourselves before we take on a decision is the following: Does this decision has the best interest for me now and for my future? If the answer is no, then it is best to find a better action to do and leave that one alone.

Self discipline is all about being more self loving, making great decisions is a skill we can all develop by thinking in the best interest of us and humanity.

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Choose to be rich every day

I want you to start thinking like the wealthy do and act like the wealthy. Most people are wealthy by choice. We choose to invest in assets and not waste our money on liabilities.

You must know the difference between an asset and a liability. Thanks to my mentors and coaches I chose to be wealthy as a young boy. I knew all I had to do was learn to acquire assets.

Most people choose to be poor. Learning how to make the decisions that will help them be rich is too much of a hassle. So instead, they’ll say things like, “I’m not interested in money,” “I don’t have to worry because I’m still young,” “I’ll never be rich,” and “My spouse handles all the finances.”

This way of thinking robs you of two important things: Time and learning, your most important assets.

If you want to be rich, you must stop having excuses and start having a new mindset. You must make the choice every day to invest your time into learning about money and how it works. You must choose to find great deals and assets. You must be wealthy by choice. It does not happen by accident.

I choose to be rich, and I exercise my power of choice each and every day. The game of money and wealth begins by acquiring your first cash flowing assets. This asset can be anything that produces passive income. It could be a digital or physical asset. The important thing is that is solves a problem in manner that is autopilot.

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The power of choice and the brain

I often observed that people generally say one thing but do another. I was curious as to why this was the case. So, over the years, I’ve done a lot of research on the brain.

For instance, I might ask a person, “Do you want to be wealthy?” The response might be, “Yes,” but instead of doing what is required to become rich, they will often do things that instead makes them poorer, not wealthier. Like only accumulating liabilities that takes their earned income away every month. Then, they have to work harder for earned income to keep up with the liabilities.

An example of this would be a man who has an investment opportunity with a great potential for return and instead saves his money and passes on the investment. They failed on the rule number one of a master investor which is to acquire passive income and make capital work hard. Another example would be a woman who has a growing business that requires her to quit her job to go to the next level, but instead she closes her business and stays as an employee.

These are decisions ruled by fear, which is what often rules our brains. What I’ve discovered is that those who are wealthy often have the power to control their brain, thoughts, actions and motions to exercise a higher level of the power of choice. To understand this it’s helpful to understand how the three basic parts of the brain work.

The left brain

This part of your brain is generally accessed for reading, writing, speaking, and logic. It’s the kids who do well in school that are left-brained. And left-brained people excel at such professions as writer, scientist, lawyer, accountant, and schoolteacher.

The right brain

This part of your brain is generally accessed for pictures, art, music, and other things associated with creativity and imagination. Right-brained people don’t always excel in school because they don’t thrive in rigid environments. Designers, architects, musicians, and other creatives are generally dominated by right-brain thinking.

The subconscious brain

The subconscious brain includes the “old brain,” often called the primitive brain and is most like an animal’s brain. Because of this, it’s the most powerful part of our brain—and often the part that controls us.

The subconscious brain doesn’t think. It reacts. It fights, flees, or freezes. The subconscious brain also involves our intrapersonal intelligence, how we relate to others in a given situation. Because of this, intrapersonal intelligence is the biggest factor in whether or not you will be successful or a failure in life, love, health, and money.

The power of choice and the subconscious

Can you control the subconscious? The short answer is yes.

Those with a high, intrapersonal intelligence have the ability to control the subconscious brain’s desire to fight, flee or freeze. Having the intelligence required to choose the appropriate subconscious response to a given situation. This means that if they’re angry, they can remain calm. If they’re afraid, they can confront and overcome their fear.

Most people don’t have the ability to control their subconscious, and most people are ruled by the fear that lives in their subconscious.

If you want to be wealthy, learning to control the subconscious mind before thinking and making decisions is vital.

The power of choice and accepting new ideas

Many people choose to follow the same old rules of money when it comes to money: go to school, get a good job, buy a house, save money, and invest in a balanced portfolio of stocks, bonds and mutual funds. The problem is that those are no longer valid. Not only that, following them will make you poor.

One of the keys to growing as a person and overcoming the subconscious is found in neural plasticity. Simply put, neural plasticity is the ability of the brain to change both structurally as a result of learning. The only way this can happen is if you are open-minded to new information. When it comes to literally growing your brain, the first step is to open your mind. This is why children grow at such an amazing rate mentally. They have not formed rigid ideas. They are fully open to the world and its possibilities. If you want to be rich, you must in some ways become like a child again and be open to new ideas.

Choosing to be open-minded is the first step to choosing to be wealthy. This means not following the conventional wisdom about money, and instead, thinking for yourself. There are many intelligent people who argue and defend when a new idea clashes with the way they think. Their intelligence is really arrogance. A truly intelligent person welcomes new ideas.

The wealthy choose to listen and learn when presented with new ideas. This is why the wealthy are some of the most humble people we know.

You are reading: What is the key of being wealthy?

Today, we can choose to be wealthy

For most people, fear of failure holds them back. Teachers use this fear of failure to motivate people in school. “If you don’t study hard, you won’t get a good job.” Bosses use it to motivate you to work hard. “If you don’t work long hours, you’ll be fired.” For many, fear is a prison that holds them back from their potential.

In order to build wealth, we must confront our fears head on. Be conformable y being uncomfortable. Expand beyond the the comfort zone because there is where we learn and grow.

For example, an attorney who earned straight A’s at Harvard is one of the smartest people. He wants to change, but he can’t. He wants to do something new, but he’s afraid of failing and not making enough money. He would say, “ He has been an attorney for so long that he does not know what else to do. Who will pay him what he is making now?” He’s left-brained and controlled by his subconscious brain.

The problem for this attorney, and for many people, is that he primarily spends their time with people who think, act and talk like them. He can’t stop thinking, acting and talking like an employee because every person and environment he engages in reinforces the mindset of an employee in his subconscious. That is why if you want to become wealthy, you must expand your business vocabulary. Just like a doctor has their own lingo, the same for a wealthy people, we also have our own lingo that shapes our reality.

In order anyone to change their mindset, they must change their vocabulary and environment. The same is true for anyone who wishes to become wealthy.

If you want to be an entrepreneur, start hanging out with entrepreneurs. If you want to be an inside investor aka master investor, start hanging out with master investors. As we change our environment, we will see our mind begin to change as well and actions with results will follow.

This is a choice, and it’s not an easy one. The easy choice is to continue doing what you’re already doing. The hard choice is to begin the process of changing your mindset—the process of choosing to be wealthy.

This starts with increasing your financial intelligence through financial education through books, seminars, and coaches. Through these endeavors you’ll find people who will help you change your mindset. And as you change your mindset, you’ll find it easier and easier to control your subconscious and overcome your fear.

I challenge you to choose to be wealthy today. Will you accept the challenge?

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