How to become smart at business with your partner?

Eliminate the power struggle with effective communication

Removing the taboo

When it comes to building wealth, we must understand that it is 

Do you have a problem with being rich?

You may think to yourself, “What a strange question! Who would have a problem with that?”

Many people you talked with in the past found it offensive to talk about money, or to be focused on making a lot of money. They thought it was a superficial goal to want to be rich.

The reality is that there are plenty of people who think money isn’t a subject that should be discussed. Even though it’s something we all need and use on a daily basis, it’s a taboo subject that makes most people feel uncomfortable.

That is why always talking about money around the dinner table and at any time of the day while together with your partner it is critical to do so. 

Powerful together

Let’s face it, when it comes to money, most women feel woefully behind men. According to CNBC , UBS Global Wealth Management found that almost 60% of women leave crucial financial choices up to their male partners.

Conversely, the study found that when couples work together on long-term money goals, women’s confidence increases, as their knowledge and experience with money grows.

Opt out of the power struggle

There is significant data that shows that at some point in their youth, people lose confidence around money and numbers, even though science shows there’s no difference between men and women’s mathematical capacity.

It’s the existing stereotypes around girls and numbers, however, that have created a culture of conditioning young women to believe that handling money is a man’s role. It is actually a responsibility of all to become smart at business since we are going to be dealing with money forever. 

It’s often very hard for a woman to break out of this vision of herself set by other men, but it’s essential.

Decide to transform the idea into an engaging brand, it is a total step of faith.

Together, you can have built a multimillion-dollar business. Most importantly, you will be enjoying the journey together.

You are reading: How to become smart at business with your partner? 

Discussing money with your partner

Always desire to discuss the subject of money at length—and to make sure we you are on the same page when it comes to money.

Chances are, you might not talk a lot about money with your partner, either because you take their views for granted, or because you’re simply uncomfortable doing so. Change the core values about money by reading articles like this one or get financially educated. Investing in your financial education will by far be the best investment you will make because it will allow you and your partner to build together towards total freedom.

But I believe that for a relationship to thrive, partners need to be on the same page, or at least understand each other’s pages, when it comes to the major things in life. That includes money!

Questions to ask

If money isn’t something you talk about candidly and openly with your partner, then you may want to make a special date and begin this important conversation.

Here are a few questions the two of you could answer to get started:

  • What did your parents tell you about the subject of money?

  • Did your own thoughts differ from those of your parents?

  • What does money represent to you?

  • What’s your general thought about very rich people?

  • How rich is “very rich” to you?

Sometimes you’ll meet resistance to this subject due to long held beliefs and discomfort with the topic of money. Take it slow and gentle.

Great partners empower each other

All of these revelations, shifts of mindset and difficult conversations are in an effort to pick the right partner- both in business, and in life. As women, we have a choice about who we spend our time and talent on, and a choice about what we’ll believe about ourselves…no matter what anyone, including our spouses, may say.

Find a partner who not only helps you be a better version of yourself and encourages you to flourish financially, but with whom you also enjoy building business and investments to impact the world in a positive way. And that will make all the difference in the world.

You are reading: How to become smart at business with your partner? 

Start today by reading one of financial ebooks that will help you and partner become successful at building passive income! 

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